Terms and Conditions

Definition of Terms:


In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:
Vehicle: the vehicle or other item that is the subject of the rental agreement;
Renter: the individual or legal entity who signs the agreement as the renter;
Lessor: Participant Ultra-carrental.


Article 1. Determination of the rental price, rental period, and additional costs:
1. The rental agreement is entered into for the period and at the rate specified in the rental agreement or otherwise agreed upon in writing. The rental price includes third-party insurance, multiple drivers, and unlimited mileage.


Article 2. Extension of the rental period:
The renter is obliged to return the vehicle on the day and at the time specified in the rental agreement to the company at the address stated in the rental agreement, unless an extension or other agreed terms have been agreed upon.


Article 3. Exceeding the rental period:
If the rental period is exceeded without written agreements for an extension, the renter will be charged the daily rental rate for the rented vehicle.


Article 4. Cancellation:
1. Cancellation of the rental agreement is not possible unless a written cancellation policy has been agreed upon.
2. A reservation can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental period.
3. If the reservation is canceled within 24 hours before the start of the rental period, 50% of the rental amount will be charged.
4. If the vehicle is not picked up/No Show, 50% of the rental amount will be charged.


Article 5. Payment, deposit, and insurance:
1. The total amount for the rental car and the deposit must be paid on the day of collection.
2. If the lessor does not find any damage upon return, the deposit will be refunded on the same or the next day.
3. If the lessor finds damage, the costs depend on the insurance chosen by the renter. If the renter has opted for all-risk insurance in the rental contract, the deductible is 500 euros. If the renter has not opted for comprehensive insurance, the deductible is unlimited up to the current value of the car plus the lessor’s lost rental income for up to 30 rental days. If the renter has chosen the option to buy out the deductible, no costs will be charged to the renter in case of damage.


Article 6. Costs associated with the use of the rental car:
During the rental period, costs such as fuel and parking fees are the renter’s responsibility. Any fines will also be charged to the renter. If the fuel tank is not at the same level as upon delivery, the costs for refueling will be charged to the renter.


Article 7. Use of the vehicle:
1. The car may only be used by the renter and any designated (additional) drivers, all of whom must be over 21 years old.
2. The renter must handle the vehicle carefully and ensure it is used according to its intended purpose.


Article 8. Transfer and subletting:
1.1. The rental car may never be sublet without the lessor’s permission.
2. The contract between the renter and the lessor may not be transferred to third parties.


Article 9. Costs/charges/damage:
a. All costs resulting from mechanical failures are borne by the lessor unless they are due to the driver’s negligence or misuse.
b. Other costs such as tires, window breakage, lights, loss of parts, and any body damage are the renter’s responsibility.
c. The renter remains fully liable in cases of gross negligence, driving under the influence of alcohol, or other substances that may impair driving ability.
d. The renter must immediately report any damage to the lessor. If damage is only reported on the last rental day, the lessor may charge for lost rental income, referred to as loss of use.


Article 10. General rules:
1. Smoking in the rental car is strictly prohibited; if the lessor notices this, a cleaning fee of 50 guilders will be charged.
2. Transporting animals in the rental car is strictly prohibited; if the lessor notices this, a cleaning fee of 50 guilders will be charged.
3. If a warning light appears, it is strictly forbidden to continue driving; the lessor must be contacted immediately.
4. If new scratches/dents are discovered by the lessor during the return, the costs are entirely the renter’s responsibility unless all-risk insured.
5. The car must be returned clean, as it was delivered. No traces of food and drink, no excessive sand, and no empty packaging.


Article 11. Applicable law:
1. Any dispute regarding the validity, interpretation, execution, or termination of the rental agreement will be resolved exclusively in the competent court in Willemstad, Curaçao.